Yesterday I read
THIS written by my friend Linny and I kept saying AMEN over and over in my head while I read it. She was saying the things that have been on my heart for a couple years now and even more so in the last year. (Please take a moment to read her post)
So, what is it going to take?
What is it going to take for more of us God Fearing, God Loving Christians to Do more?
How can we ignore the needs of 163 million orphans??? How can we continue to live with our excess and feel good about that?
Like most nights, I went to bed last night thinking about this. I am restless with thinking about the children of the world who are suffering, being abused, living in cribs, living in the street, starving, and most importantly searching; searching for love. A great Love we can only know through God, but a Love that you and I can physically give them here on earth.
I mean, how do we expect to spread the gospel if we aren’t showing them the gospel. Every day I think about this and I plead to God to show me what more can I do. This isn’t just about adoption folks, because unfortunately adoption isn’t the answer or option for all these children, but this is about spreading the love of Christ.
This morning I was reading in Matthew 6: 25-34. The short version of these verses is DO NOT WORRY. Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink, or about your body and what you will wear. God provides us with what we need for today, and tomorrow will worry about itself. We plan and we save and we worry about our families and providing for them when in all truth we have more than enough and we should be sharing more; GIVING more. Giving more of our things, and giving more of ourselves.
I have to be honest and say that I get angry. I get angry when people brush off 163 million, or use excuses as to why they haven’t done anything, but it’s because I am so passionate and I want you to be too! If you say you love Jesus then allow God to show you what he wants you to do! He will tell you and he will direct your paths. He will show you things you could have never imagined.
We all are way too comfortable in our lives and we need to let God wreck us for the things his heart desires.
I could take all day and tell you stories, and show you pictures, but if you haven’t gone and seen it with your own eyes or allowed just one to touch you then my words mean nothing. They may touch you for a moment, but all too soon that moment is forgotten.
I was oblivious at one time. I lived my comfortable life, and still do in many ways that I want to change. I did what I wanted when I wanted and then I adopted and I saw what the Lord wanted me to see and I am forever changed and broken. The things I saw in Guatemala and Ethiopia are forever etched in my mind and on my heart, and the things I have seen in my own back yard too.
I know I am supposed to be doing more and I know God has big things in store. Things that will be scary to do, but all will be done in faith and that’s what he wants us to do.
He wants us to trust him with all our hearts, and lean not on our own understanding, but acknowledge him in all our ways, and HE will direct our paths…. (See Proverbs)
I no longer want the perfect life for me or my family….ever
The perfect life, the American Dream if you will…not for me and not for my kids…
What I want is an imperfect life for them made perfect by God. I want my family to be in the center of his will, no matter how hard it is, all the time and I want us to serve and show the ones he wants us to his Love.
So, How about you?
What will it take for you to be broken for the least of these?
Are you willing to find out? I am, and I hope you are too.